Results for 'M. Guenin Personhood’by Louis'

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  1.  13
    The publishers would like to apologise for the errors which appeared in the above paper.M. Guenin Personhood’by Louis - 2006 - Philosophy 81 (317):463-503.
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  2. The morality of embryo use.Louis M. Guenin - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Is it permissible to use a human embryo in stem cell research, or in general as a means for benefit of others? Acknowledging each embryo as an object of moral concern, Louis M.Guenin argues that it is morally permissible to decline intrauterine transfer of an embryo formed outside the body, and that from this permission and the duty of beneficence, there follows a consensus justification for using donated embryos in service of humanitarian ends. He then proceeds to show (...)
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    The nonindividuation argument against zygotic personhood.Louis Guenin - 2006 - Philosophy 81 (3):463-504.
    I consider the argument, thought to clinch the moral case for use of a human embryo solely as a means, that only a human individual can be a person, because it can happen at any time before formation of the primitive streak that an embryo splits into monozygotic twins, no embryo in which the primitive streak has not formed is a human individual, and therefore no embryo in which the primitive streak has not formed is a person. I explore the (...)
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  4. Norms for patents concerning human and other life forms.Louis M. Guenin - 1996 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 17 (3).
    The rationale of patents on transgenic organisms leads to the startling notion of the human qua infringement. The moral reasons by which we may tenably reject such notion are not conclusive as to human life forms outside the body. A close look at recombinant DNA experimentation reveals ingenious processes, but not entities that the body lacks. Except for artificial genes, the genes of biotechnology are found on chromosomes, albeit nonconsecutively, and their uninterrupted transcripts appear in messenger RNA. An enhanced form (...)
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    The Set Theoretic Ambit Of Arrow's Theorem.Louis M. Guenin - 2001 - Synthese 126 (3):443-472.
    Set theoretic formulation of Arrow's theorem, viewedin light of a taxonomy of transitive relations,serves to unmask the theorem's understatedgenerality. Under the impress of the independenceof irrelevant alternatives, the antipode of ceteris paribus reasoning, a purported compilerfunction either breaches some other rationalitypremise or produces the effet Condorcet. Types of cycles, each the seeming handiwork of avirtual voter disdaining transitivity, arerigorously defined. Arrow's theorem erects adilemma between cyclic indecision anddictatorship. Maneuvers responsive theretoare explicable in set theoretic terms. None ofthese gambits rival in (...)
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  6.  49
    Distributive Justice in Competitive Access to Intercollegiate Athletic Teams Segregated by Sex.Louis M. Guenin - 1997 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 16 (4):347-372.
    A theory of justice for the basic structure of society may constrain though not directly govern colleges. The principle of "equal opportunity" commonly applied to jobs either does or does not apply to varsity opportunities. If it applies, it interdicts sex discrimination but, one fallacious argument notwithstanding, it states no obligation to expend resources on new teams. If it does not apply, an analogue of Rawls's difference principle may appropriately constrain inequalities between the sexes. In either case the preferences of (...)
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  7.  56
    The Morality of Embryo Use * By LOUIS M. GUENIN.A. Walsh - 2009 - Analysis 69 (4):787-789.
    It is becoming increasingly apparent that human embryo research has the very real potential to generate significant humanitarian benefits. Equally, it is clear that the destruction of embryos that such research inevitably involves is highly controversial within societies such as ours, where many hold either that from the moment of conception the embryo is morally considerable or that as a member of the human species it should not be treated as a mere means. How might we balance the potential humanitarian (...)
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    The morality of embryo use - by Louis M. Guenin.David Archard - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (2):212-214.
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    Reviews the morality of embryo use by Louis M. Guenin cambridge university press, 2008. 273 pp. £15.99/£45. [REVIEW]Brenda Almond - 2009 - Philosophy 84 (4):601-605.
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    The Morality of Embryo Use. By Louis M. Guenin. Pp. 273, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, £15.99. Biotechnology and the Integrity of Life: Taking Public Fears Seriously. By Michael Hauskeller. Pp. 166, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, £55.00. Humanbi. [REVIEW]Gerard Magill - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (5):864-866.
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    Public Science and Norms of Truthfulness.Louis M. Guenin - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (3):325.
    The phenomenon of misconduct in scientific research illustrates how great can be the social damage of not knowing the incidence of a malady. Many urgings about such phenomenon have predicated views about the extent of institutional and governmental vigilance on observers' differing surmises about how frequently misconduct occurs. Such is the measurement error of extant data about incidence1 that one can venture little more than the deliberately imprecise conclusion that “misconduct is neither common nor rare.”.
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    Introduction.Louis M. Guenin - 2005 - Synthese 145 (2):165-168.
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    Scientific reasoning and due process.Louis M. Guenin & Bernard D. Davis - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (1):47-54.
    Recent public hearings on misconduct charges belie the conjecture that due process will perforce defeat informed scientific reasoning. One notable case that reviewed an obtuse description of experimental methods displays some of the subtleties of differentiating carelessness from intent to deceive. There the decision of a studious nonscientist panel managed to reach sensible conclusions despite conflicting expert testimony. The significance of such a result may be to suggest that to curtail due process would be both objectionable and unproductive.
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  14. Dialogue Concerning Natural Appropriation.Louis M. Guenin - 2003 - Synthese 136 (3):321-336.
    Two utilitarian defenses, traceable to Bentham and Mill, arecommonly offered for patents. It is contended that patents induce innovation, and thatpatents induce disclosure of innovation. Patents on some or all of the human genomepose particular challenges for these defenses. In the first instance, patents on nucleotidesequences entail the perverse notion of human reproduction qua infringement. In the second place, when such patents are available (as is presently the case), the two defenses involve a counterfactual claim, viz., that if there were (...)
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  15.  19
    Erratum.Louis M. Guenin - 2007 - Philosophy 82 (319):207-207.
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    Affirmative Action in Higher Education as Redistribution.Louis M. Guenin - 1997 - Public Affairs Quarterly 11 (2):117-140.
  17.  42
    Alternative Dispute Resolution and Research Misconduct.Louis M. Guenin - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (1):72-77.
    “Any bad settlement,” the wise patent litigator Elmer S. Albritton once observed, “is better than a good lawsuit.” Given the notorious strain of court proceedings and the recognition that settlement does not always prove attainable, a popular movement has recently arisen in favor of “alternative dispute resolution” . Indeed it has seemed to many who have participated as committee members, witnesses, or respondents in scientific misconduct cases that there ought to be some method of resolving such matters that is less (...)
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  18. Intellectual Honesty.Louis Guenin - 2005 - Synthese 145 (2):177-232.
    Engaging a listener’s trust imposes moral demands upon a presenter in respect of truthtelling and completeness. An agent lies by an utterance that satisfies what are herein defined as signal and mendacity conditions; an agent deceives when, in satisfaction of those conditions, the agent’s utterances contribute to a false belief or thwart a true one. I advert to how we may fool ourselves in observation and in the perception of our originality. Communication with others depends upon a convention or practice (...)
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    Comprehension of sentences by bottlenosed dolphins.Louis M. Herman, Douglas G. Richards & James P. Wolz - 1984 - Cognition 16 (2):129-219.
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    Delay in responding to the first stimulus in the "psychological refractory period" experiment: Comparisons with delay produced by a second stimulus not requiring a response.Louis M. Herman & Michael E. McCauley - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):344.
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    Responses to anomalous gestural sequences by a language-trained dolphin: Evidence for processing of semantic relations and syntactic information.Louis M. Herman, Stan A. Kuczaj & Mark D. Holder - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 122 (2):184.
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    News from the Russell Editorial Project.Louis Greenspan - 1990 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 10 (1):95-96.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Supplement News from the Russell Editorial Project by Louis Greenspan As 1 WRITE, the Project room is completely silent. Richard Rempel is pu~suing the elusive tracks of Russell as ghost-writer, Research Associate Mark Lippincott is deciphering some manuscripts and our typesetter, Arlene Duncan, is keying in new texts for Volume 4. Albert Lewis vigilant-' Iy works daily on the computer, and over in the Russell Archives Ken Blackwell, (...)
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  23. Dialogue and Deliberation.Ronald P. Loui & Diana M. Moore - unknown
    Formal accounts of negotiation tend to invoke the strategic models of conflict which have been impressively developed by game theorists in this half-century. For two decades, however, research on artificial intelligence (AI) has produced a different formal picture of the agent and of the rational deliberations of agents. AI's models are not based simply on intensities of preference and quantities of probability. AI's models consider that agents use language in various ways, that agents use and convey knowledge, that agents plan, (...)
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    Review of Louis M. Guenin, The Morality of Embryo Use[REVIEW]Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (3).
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    Thomas More: The Search for the Inner Man.Louis Lohr Martz - 1990 - Yale University Press.
    Recent writings about Thomas More have questioned his integrity and motivation and have challenged the long-held view of him as a humane, wise, and heroic "man for all seasons." This new book responds to these revisionist studies by closely and persuasively analyzing More's writings as well as Holbein's portraits of More and his family. "Martz cuts down the revived charge of More as a bloodthirsty hunter of heretics, a furious, sexually repressed, and frustrated man.... This penetrating rebuttal of the revisionists (...)
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  26. The Role of Superstition in Psychopathology.José M. García-Montes, Marino Pérez Álvarez, Louis A. Sass & Adolfo J. Cangas - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):227-237.
    This article attempts to show the importance of the concept of superstition in understanding a range of psychological problems. With this aim, we critically analyze several constructs that, without actually using the term “superstition,” concern this phenomenon and its role in the development of mental disorders. First we discuss “Thought–Action Fusion” and “magical thinking,” two concepts from the cognitive tradition that view superstition as basically an ideational phenomenon. Second, we look at “Experiential Avoidance,” a post-Skinnerian concept that understands superstition as (...)
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    Hume's Moral Sentiments and the Structure of the Treatise.Louis E. Loeb - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):395.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume's Moral Sentiments and the Structure of the Treatise LOUIS E. LOEB ACCORDING TO NORMAN KEMP SMITH and Thomas Hearn, Hume classified moral sentiments as direct passions.' According to Pb.II A,rdal, Hume classified the basic moral sentiments of approval and disapproval of persons as indirect passions. if either of these interpretations is correct, there is an intimate connection between Books II and 111 of Hume's Treatise. This is (...)
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  28. The Discovery of Discovery by Charles Tenney.Harold M. Kaplan, Ralph E. McCoy & Louis E. Hahn - 1990 - Upa.
    This anthology on creativity represents a lifetime of reading and study by the late Charles Dewey Tenney, a philosopher who had been a student of Alfred North Whitehead at Harvard. In a series of fourteen essays Tenney considers the various factors that can be identified in creativity, followed by the recorded testimony of philosophers, artists, historians, explorers, scientists and others, both theorists and practitioners. The contributors extend in time from Aristotle and Sophocles to Buckminster Fuller and May Sarton. They include (...)
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    Just War as Christian Discipleship: Recentering the Tradition in the Church Rather than the State – By Daniel M. Bell, Jr.Louis V. Iasiello - 2011 - Modern Theology 27 (3):533-535.
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    Conjugial Love.Samuel Warren & Louis H. Tafel (eds.) - 1984 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    In this volume, Swedish visionary Emanuel Swedenborg discusses marriage from a spiritual perspective -- the ways in which men and women relate to each other both in this world and in the afterlife, and how marriages in heaven can either grow into a state of bliss and unity or wither away as partner discover their incompatibilities and seek their true soulmates. Swedenborg includes his perspective on sexual relationships in this world, both in and out of wedlock, and how the choices (...)
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  31. More Aristotle, Less DSM: The Ontology of Mental Disorders in Constructivist Perspective.Marino Pérez-Álvarez, Louis A. Sass & José M. García-Montes - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):211-225.
    This work begins by proposing the need for exploring the mode of being of mental disorders. It is a philosophical study in an Aristotelian perspective, with special emphasis on the anthropological–cultural dimension. It is difficult for such an inquiry to be carried out from within psychiatry or clinical psychology, committed as these fields are to their own logic and practical conditions. The issues are, in any case, more ontological than strictly clinical in nature. We therefore turn to Aristotle, and specifically (...)
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    The Worth of Persons by James Franklin (review).Louis Groarke - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (2):349-351.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Worth of Persons by James FranklinLouis GroarkeFRANKLIN, James. The Worth of Persons, New York: Encounter Books, 2022. 272 pp. Cloth, $30.99In The Worth of Persons, James Franklin, the well-known Aristotelian mathematician, sets out to provide an account of the very first principles of ethics and morality. Franklin argues that morality begins with an acknowledgment of the intrinsic worth of human persons, understood as beings possessing “dignity” or (...)
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    Postulational methods. II.Louis Osgood Kattsoff - 1936 - Philosophy of Science 3 (1):67-89.
    In this study we shall analyze the postulate set into its various elements. In order to carry out our analysis, it is advisable to have before us a typical set.We take the set of five postulates for Boolean Algebras given by H. M. Sheffer in Trans. Am. Math Soc. 14, p. 482 ff.
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  34. Moral Saints and Moral Heroes.Louis P. Pojman - unknown
    In 1941 Father Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish friar from Warsaw was arrested for publishing anti-Nazi pamphlets and sentenced to Auschwitz. There he was beaten, kicked by shiny leather boots, and whipped by his prison guards. After one prisoner successfully escaped, the prescribed punishment was to select ten other prisoners who were to die by starvation. As ten prisoners were pulled out of line one by one, Fr. Kolbe broke out from the ranks, pleading with he Commandant to be allowed to (...)
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    Diauxic Inhibition: Jacques Monod's Ignored Work.Pierre Louis Blaiseau & Allyson M. Holmes - 2021 - Journal of the History of Biology 54 (2):175-196.
    Diauxie is at the origin of research that led Jacques Monod, François Jacob, and André Lwoff to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1965 for their description of the first genetic regulatory model. Diauxie is a term coined by Jacques Monod in 1941 in his doctoral dissertation that refers to microbial growth in two phases. In this article, we first examine Monod’s thesis to demonstrate how and why Monod interpreted diauxie as a phenomenon of enzyme inhibition or (...)
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  36. Electronic Persons?Louis Caruana - 2020 - Gregorianum 101 (3):593-614.
    To describe computers and sophisticated robots, many people today have no problem using personal attributes. Alan Turing published his famous intelligence test in 1950. From that time onwards, computers have gained increasingly higher status in this regard. Computers and robots nowadays are not only intelligent. They perceive, they remember, they understand, they decide, they play and so on. Recently, another such step has occurred but, this time, many researchers are seriously concerned. In February 2017, the European Parliament passed a Resolution (...)
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    Social responsibility in an age of revolution.Louis Finkelstein - 1971 - New York,: Jewish Theological Seminary of America.
    Law and morals in the Hebrew Scriptures, Plato, and Aristotle, by M. R. Konvitz.--The ethics of the Pharisees, by L. Finkelstein.--Doubts about justice, by W. Kaufmann.--Law and disorder: Some reflections on the political philosophy of Edmond Cahn, by D. D. Williams.--Ethics and business, by P. Sporn.--Mission and opportunity: religion in a pluralistic culture, by R. Niebuhr.--Reflections on over-population, by C. Merrill.--Ethical issues in psychotherapy, by N. W. Ackerman.--Drama: a mirror of conflict, by E. M. Jackson.--Toward a new cultural federalism, by (...)
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  38.  63
    After Derrida before Husserl : the spacing between phenomenology and deconstruction.Louis N. Sandowsky - unknown
    This Ph.D. thesis is, in large part, a deepening of my M. A. dissertation, entitled: "Différance Beyond Phenomenological Reduction (Epoché)?" - an edited version of which was published in The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 1989. The M. A. dissertation explores the development of the various phases of the movement of epoché in Edmund Husserl's phenomenology and its relevance for Jacques Derrida's project of deconstruction. The analyses not only attend to the need for an effective propaedeutic to (...)
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  39. The Limits of Causality.Louis Caruana - 2020 - In A. Balsas & B. Nobre, The Insides of Nature: Causality and Conceptions of Nature. Axioma – Publicacoes da Faculdade de Filosofia. pp. 31-54.
    For decades, much literature on causality has focused on causal processes and causal reasoning in the natural sciences. According to a relatively new trend however, such research on causality remains insufficient because of its refusal to accept a certain degree of pluralism within the concept, a pluralism that is evident in how we use ideas of cause and effect in everyday life. I will build on work in this latter trend, following philosophers like G. E. M. Anscombe and N. Cartwright. (...)
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    Issues of establishment, consolidation, and reorganization in biobehavioral adaptation.Jean-Louis Gariépy & Ramona M. Rodriguiz - 2002 - Brain and Mind 3 (1):53-77.
    Two strains of male mice have bred over fortygenerations, starting with the work of RobertCairns and his colleagues, one strain with ahigh level of intra-species aggression, theother a low level of aggression. Thehigh-aggression mice tend to establishdominance hierarchies and particularly fight inthe presence of female mice. Thelow-aggression mice tend, in groups of theirown, to have a high degree of low-intensity,peaceful social contact, and to be more timidin initiating action than the high-aggressionmice. Biochemical differences have beenobserved between the two strains, and (...)
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    More than things: a personalist ethics for a throwaway culture.Paul Louis Metzger - 2023 - Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic.
    In a world dominated by things, we must work hard to account for one another's personhood. Drawing a diverse set of thought leaders, Paul Louis Metzger helps us navigate a pluralistic world through a personalist moral framework, addressing issues such as abortion, genetic engineering, immigration, drone warfare, and more.
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    Russian Philosophy. Edited by James M. Edie, James P. Scanland, M. B. Zeldin & Geo. L. Kline. Three Volumes. Chicago, Quadrangle Books; Toronto: Burns & MacEachern Limited. 1965. pp. vii. 1277. $27.00 per set. [REVIEW]Louis J. Shein - 1966 - Dialogue 5 (1):114-116.
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    The Admiral James B. Stockdale Lecture in Ethics and Leadership.Louis Pojman - unknown
    In 1941 Father Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish friar from Warsaw was arrested for publishing anti-Nazi pamphlets and sentenced to Auschwitz. There he was beaten, kicked by shiny leather boots, and whipped by his prison guards. After one prisoner successfully escaped, the prescribed punishment was to select ten other prisoners who were to die by starvation. As ten prisoners were pulled out of line one by one, Fr. Kolbe broke out from the ranks, pleading with he Commandant to be allowed to (...)
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  44. Abstraction and the Environment.Louis Caruana - manuscript
    The way we understand the environment is analogous to the way we draw a map. Drawing insights from this analogy, this paper shows how the abstraction that occurs in ecological explanation can lead to damaging distortion. It is mistaken, therefore, to assume that by abstraction we can easily determine the correct variables for controlling a given ecosystem as if it were ideally closed. Recent work shows that the environment is a global composite with a very high degree of internal dependence (...)
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    The Architecture of Law: Rebuilding Law in the Classical Tradition. By Brian M.McCall. Pp. x, 548. Notre Dame, IN, University of Notre Dame Press, 2018, $70.00 US/$69.99 US ebook. [REVIEW]Louis Groarke - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (1):155-155.
  46. Typed lambda-calculus in classical Zermelo-Frænkel set theory.Jean-Louis Krivine - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (3):189-205.
    , which uses the intuitionistic propositional calculus, with the only connective →. It is very important, because the well known Curry-Howard correspondence between proofs and programs was originally discovered with it, and because it enjoys the normalization property: every typed term is strongly normalizable. It was extended to second order intuitionistic logic, in 1970, by J.-Y. Girard [4], under the name of system F, still with the normalization property.More recently, in 1990, the Curry-Howard correspondence was extended to classical logic, following (...)
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    Da Omero a Dante, Scritti di varia Filologia. [REVIEW]Louis M. La Favia - 1984 - Review of Metaphysics 37 (3):647-648.
    Nineteen articles of the philologist Alessandro Ronconi, published over the course of nearly half a century--from 1932 up to 1981--have been collected in this volume by friends and colleagues to honor the author upon his retirement from full-time teaching. Prof. Ronconi taught for many years in various Italian Universities--Urbino, Bari, and Florence--and acquired great authority and respect among his students and other scholars.
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    Modern science and western culture: The issue of time.Steven Louis Goldman - 1982 - History of European Ideas 3 (4):371-401.
    *This paper was presented at a conference on scientific concepts of time in humanistic and social perspectives organised by J.T. Fraser and held at the Rockefeller Study Center, Bellagio, Italy, in July 1981. I wish to thank Y. Elkana, Director of the Van Leer Jerusalem Foundation and M. Ron, Curator of the history of science collections at the Jewish National Library at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, for making facilities available to me in researching and preparing this paper.
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    “Help! I Need Somebody”: Music as a Global Resource for Obtaining Wellbeing Goals in Times of Crisis.Roni Granot, Daniel H. Spitz, Boaz R. Cherki, Psyche Loui, Renee Timmers, Rebecca S. Schaefer, Jonna K. Vuoskoski, Ruth-Nayibe Cárdenas-Soler, João F. Soares-Quadros, Shen Li, Carlotta Lega, Stefania La Rocca, Isabel Cecilia Martínez, Matías Tanco, María Marchiano, Pastora Martínez-Castilla, Gabriela Pérez-Acosta, José Darío Martínez-Ezquerro, Isabel M. Gutiérrez-Blasco, Lily Jiménez-Dabdoub, Marijn Coers, John Melvin Treider, David M. Greenberg & Salomon Israel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Music can reduce stress and anxiety, enhance positive mood, and facilitate social bonding. However, little is known about the role of music and related personal or cultural variables in maintaining wellbeing during times of stress and social isolation as imposed by the COVID-19 crisis. In an online questionnaire, administered in 11 countries, participants rated the relevance of wellbeing goals during the pandemic, and the effectiveness of different activities in obtaining these goals. Music was found to be the most effective activity (...)
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    Spinoza in Soviet philosophy: a series of essays, selected and translated, and with an introduction.George Louis Kline - 1952 - Westport, CT: Hyperion Press.
    Spinoza and Judaism, by D.Rakhmian.- Spinoza and materialism, by L.I.Akselrod (Ortodoks) - Spinoza's world-view, by A.M.Déborin.- Spinoza's substance and finite things, by V.K.Brushlinski.- Spinoza's ethical world-view, by S.Y.Volfson.- Spinoza and the state, by I.P.Razumovski.- The historical significance of Spinoza's philosophy, by I.K.Luppol.
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